Moody's Talks with Mark Zandi Podcast re: Reimagining Cities - December 2024
RCLCo Best Minds in Real Estate Podcast re: Reimagining Cities - November, 2024
Congress of New Urbanism Park Square Journal re: Reimagining Cities - October, 2024
Reimagining Cities, Places Platform & Cushman & Wakefield (optimization of place-based product program) - September, 2024
Foot Traffic Ahead 2023, Places Platform and Smart Growth America - October, 2023
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUP Wake UP Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
The WalkUP Wake Up call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUP Wake UP Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
The WalkUP Wake Up call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984
Moody's Talks with Mark Zandi Podcast re: Reimagining Cities - December 2024
RCLCo Best Minds in Real Estate Podcast re: Reimagining Cities - November, 2024
Congress of New Urbanism Park Square Journal re: Reimagining Cities - October, 2024
Reimagining Cities, Places Platform & Cushman & Wakefield (optimization of place-based product program) - September, 2024
Foot Traffic Ahead 2023, Places Platform and Smart Growth America - October, 2023
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUp Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
"Strong Demand for Walkable Tourism" - - September 2015
"As Walkable Urbanism Grows, More Investment is Necessary" - Crain's Detroit Business- July 2015
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
"Riding light rails and streetcars into better communities" - Washington Post - November 2014
"How TV Predicted America's Moves From City to 'Burbs and Back Again" - Next City - June 2014
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
"The Top 12 Movies About Urbanism" - - February 2014
"Viewpoints: New development patters essential for a new economy" - Sacramento Bee - November 2013
"Transit is key to Cincinnati's progress" - Smart Growth America - November 2013
"Reigniting America's real estate and housing markets through reform" - - July 2013
"Walkable Urbanism Combats Climate Change" - - November 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Economics of Walkability" - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation blog - Aug 2012
"New Olympic Moment" - Journal - Constitution - May 2012
"Now Coveted: A Walkable, Convenient Place" - New York Times - May 2012
"A Life of Walking Vs Driving" (Graphic) - New York Times - May 2012
"Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond" (chapter in book published by Rizzoti, New York)- April 2012
"Charles Lockwood Obituary" - - April 2012
"Walkable Urbanism, the new trend" - - March 2012
"The Role of Alternative Transportation Toward a New Vision of America" - January 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Death and Life of Great American Cities at 50" - The American Conservative - October 2011
"Mass transit: A tale of two cities" - Atlanta Constitution Journal- May 2011
"26 Clicks To Sustainable Economic Development"
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"A Model for Growth: Walkable Urbanism" - Urban Land - Sept/Oct 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Live Chat With Christopher Leinberger" - Greater Greater Washington - June 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Capital Ideas: Christopher Leinberger" - December 2009
"Car-Free in America?, Bottom Line: It’s Cheaper" - New York Times - May 2009
"Spring Forward—or Fall Back" - Urban Land Magazine - May 2009
"Place Management for the 21st Century" - January 2009
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"Sprawl to Meet its Limit in Atlanta" - Atlanta Constitution - November 2008
"Light Rail Will Move Indy Forward" - Indianapolis Star - November 2008
"Guest Commentary: Light Rail Will Move KC Forward" - Kansas City Star - October 2008
"Suburban Walking Blues" - BC Business - July 2008
"Creative Types Will Vote With Their Feet" - Cleveland Plain Dealer - May 2008
"US Needs Vancouver as a Model" - The Tyee - April 2008
"New kind of growth emerging for Charlotte" - Charlotte Observer - March 2008
"Downtown Must Walk The Walk" - Tampa Tribune - March 16, 2008
"Charlotte, walk this way" - Charlotte Observer - March 8, 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Dallas Should Walk This Way" - Dallas Business Journal - February 2008
"The National Trend of Downtown Revitalization" - Brookings - March 2006
"Walk This Way" - Canada National Post - April 2005
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Shape of Downtown" - Urban Land magazine (ULI) - December, 2004
"Taming Gentrification" - March 2002
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"Financing Progressive Development" - Brookings - May 2001
"The Metropolis Observed" - Urban Land - October 1998
"The Coming Revival of American Downtowns" - Lusk Review - Fall 1997
Standardizing the American Dream" - TR News[Nat'l Aca. of Sciences pub.] December 1996
"Top 10 Ways to Make City's Center Great" - LA Times - July 1996
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Pulling Together Beats Falling Apart" - Chicago Tribune - September 1994
"Flexecutives: Redefining the American Dream" - Urban Land - August 1994
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"Becoming Evergreen; The Full Service Real Estate Company of the 1990s" - Urban Land - July 1991
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUp Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
"Strong Demand for Walkable Tourism" - - September 2015
"As Walkable Urbanism Grows, More Investment is Necessary" - Crain's Detroit Business- July 2015
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
"Riding light rails and streetcars into better communities" - Washington Post - November 2014
"How TV Predicted America's Moves From City to 'Burbs and Back Again" - Next City - June 2014
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
"The Top 12 Movies About Urbanism" - - February 2014
"Viewpoints: New development patters essential for a new economy" - Sacramento Bee - November 2013
"Transit is key to Cincinnati's progress" - Smart Growth America - November 2013
"Reigniting America's real estate and housing markets through reform" - - July 2013
"Walkable Urbanism Combats Climate Change" - - November 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Economics of Walkability" - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation blog - Aug 2012
"New Olympic Moment" - Journal - Constitution - May 2012
"Now Coveted: A Walkable, Convenient Place" - New York Times - May 2012
"A Life of Walking Vs Driving" (Graphic) - New York Times - May 2012
"Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond" (chapter in book published by Rizzoti, New York)- April 2012
"Charles Lockwood Obituary" - - April 2012
"Walkable Urbanism, the new trend" - - March 2012
"The Role of Alternative Transportation Toward a New Vision of America" - January 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Death and Life of Great American Cities at 50" - The American Conservative - October 2011
"Mass transit: A tale of two cities" - Atlanta Constitution Journal- May 2011
"26 Clicks To Sustainable Economic Development"
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"A Model for Growth: Walkable Urbanism" - Urban Land - Sept/Oct 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Live Chat With Christopher Leinberger" - Greater Greater Washington - June 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Capital Ideas: Christopher Leinberger" - December 2009
"Car-Free in America?, Bottom Line: It’s Cheaper" - New York Times - May 2009
"Spring Forward—or Fall Back" - Urban Land Magazine - May 2009
"Place Management for the 21st Century" - January 2009
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"Sprawl to Meet its Limit in Atlanta" - Atlanta Constitution - November 2008
"Light Rail Will Move Indy Forward" - Indianapolis Star - November 2008
"Guest Commentary: Light Rail Will Move KC Forward" - Kansas City Star - October 2008
"Suburban Walking Blues" - BC Business - July 2008
"Creative Types Will Vote With Their Feet" - Cleveland Plain Dealer - May 2008
"US Needs Vancouver as a Model" - The Tyee - April 2008
"New kind of growth emerging for Charlotte" - Charlotte Observer - March 2008
"Downtown Must Walk The Walk" - Tampa Tribune - March 16, 2008
"Charlotte, walk this way" - Charlotte Observer - March 8, 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Dallas Should Walk This Way" - Dallas Business Journal - February 2008
"The National Trend of Downtown Revitalization" - Brookings - March 2006
"Walk This Way" - Canada National Post - April 2005
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Shape of Downtown" - Urban Land magazine (ULI) - December, 2004
"Taming Gentrification" - March 2002
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"Financing Progressive Development" - Brookings - May 2001
"The Metropolis Observed" - Urban Land - October 1998
"The Coming Revival of American Downtowns" - Lusk Review - Fall 1997
Standardizing the American Dream" - TR News[Nat'l Aca. of Sciences pub.] December 1996
"Top 10 Ways to Make City's Center Great" - LA Times - July 1996
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Pulling Together Beats Falling Apart" - Chicago Tribune - September 1994
"Flexecutives: Redefining the American Dream" - Urban Land - August 1994
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"Becoming Evergreen; The Full Service Real Estate Company of the 1990s" - Urban Land - July 1991
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984
How Fear of Cities Can Blind Us to COVID-19 Solutions, Next City, April, 2020
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUp Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
"Strong Demand for Walkable Tourism" - - September 2015
"As Walkable Urbanism Grows, More Investment is Necessary" - Crain's Detroit Business- July 2015
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
"Riding light rails and streetcars into better communities" - Washington Post - November 2014
"How TV Predicted America's Moves From City to 'Burbs and Back Again" - Next City - June 2014
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
"The Top 12 Movies About Urbanism" - - February 2014
"Viewpoints: New development patters essential for a new economy" - Sacramento Bee - November 2013
"Transit is key to Cincinnati's progress" - Smart Growth America - November 2013
"Reigniting America's real estate and housing markets through reform" - - July 2013
"Walkable Urbanism Combats Climate Change" - - November 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Economics of Walkability" - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation blog - Aug 2012
"New Olympic Moment" - Journal - Constitution - May 2012
"Now Coveted: A Walkable, Convenient Place" - New York Times - May 2012
"A Life of Walking Vs Driving" (Graphic) - New York Times - May 2012
"Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond" (chapter in book published by Rizzoti, New York)- April 2012
"Charles Lockwood Obituary" - - April 2012
"Walkable Urbanism, the new trend" - - March 2012
"The Role of Alternative Transportation Toward a New Vision of America" - January 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Death and Life of Great American Cities at 50" - The American Conservative - October 2011
"Mass transit: A tale of two cities" - Atlanta Constitution Journal- May 2011
"26 Clicks To Sustainable Economic Development"
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"A Model for Growth: Walkable Urbanism" - Urban Land - Sept/Oct 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Live Chat With Christopher Leinberger" - Greater Greater Washington - June 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Capital Ideas: Christopher Leinberger" - December 2009
"Car-Free in America?, Bottom Line: It’s Cheaper" - New York Times - May 2009
"Spring Forward—or Fall Back" - Urban Land Magazine - May 2009
"Place Management for the 21st Century" - January 2009
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"Sprawl to Meet its Limit in Atlanta" - Atlanta Constitution - November 2008
"Light Rail Will Move Indy Forward" - Indianapolis Star - November 2008
"Guest Commentary: Light Rail Will Move KC Forward" - Kansas City Star - October 2008
"Suburban Walking Blues" - BC Business - July 2008
"Creative Types Will Vote With Their Feet" - Cleveland Plain Dealer - May 2008
"US Needs Vancouver as a Model" - The Tyee - April 2008
"New kind of growth emerging for Charlotte" - Charlotte Observer - March 2008
"Downtown Must Walk The Walk" - Tampa Tribune - March 16, 2008
"Charlotte, walk this way" - Charlotte Observer - March 8, 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Dallas Should Walk This Way" - Dallas Business Journal - February 2008
"The National Trend of Downtown Revitalization" - Brookings - March 2006
"Walk This Way" - Canada National Post - April 2005
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Shape of Downtown" - Urban Land magazine (ULI) - December, 2004
"Taming Gentrification" - March 2002
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"Financing Progressive Development" - Brookings - May 2001
"The Metropolis Observed" - Urban Land - October 1998
"The Coming Revival of American Downtowns" - Lusk Review - Fall 1997
Standardizing the American Dream" - TR News[Nat'l Aca. of Sciences pub.] December 1996
"Top 10 Ways to Make City's Center Great" - LA Times - July 1996
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Pulling Together Beats Falling Apart" - Chicago Tribune - September 1994
"Flexecutives: Redefining the American Dream" - Urban Land - August 1994
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"Becoming Evergreen; The Full Service Real Estate Company of the 1990s" - Urban Land - July 1991
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Dallas-Fort Worth - January 2019
National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report - December 2018
Catalytic Development: (Re)creating Walkable Urban Spaces - May 2018
Retrofitting Tysons: From Edge City to Walkable Urban Place - Summer 2018
The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Rock Ventures on Detroit - December 2017
Somerville Union Square Social Equity Report - September 2017
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: New York - April 2017
Bethesda Metro Park Study - October 2016
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2016
Somerville Union Square: Strategic Planning and Community Benefits Plan - April 2016
2016 Update - The WalkUp Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - 2016
"Strong Demand for Walkable Tourism" - - September 2015
"As Walkable Urbanism Grows, More Investment is Necessary" - Crain's Detroit Business- July 2015
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Michigan Metros
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Boston - May 2015
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown
"Riding light rails and streetcars into better communities" - Washington Post - November 2014
"How TV Predicted America's Moves From City to 'Burbs and Back Again" - Next City - June 2014
Foot Traffic Ahead - June 2014
"The Top 12 Movies About Urbanism" - - February 2014
"Viewpoints: New development patters essential for a new economy" - Sacramento Bee - November 2013
"Transit is key to Cincinnati's progress" - Smart Growth America - November 2013
"Reigniting America's real estate and housing markets through reform" - - July 2013
"Walkable Urbanism Combats Climate Change" - - November 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Atlanta - October 2012
The WalkUP Wake Up Call: Washington, D.C. - September 2012
"The Economics of Walkability" - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation blog - Aug 2012
"New Olympic Moment" - Journal - Constitution - May 2012
"Now Coveted: A Walkable, Convenient Place" - New York Times - May 2012
"A Life of Walking Vs Driving" (Graphic) - New York Times - May 2012
"Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond" (chapter in book published by Rizzoti, New York)- April 2012
"Charles Lockwood Obituary" - - April 2012
"Walkable Urbanism, the new trend" - - March 2012
"The Role of Alternative Transportation Toward a New Vision of America" - January 2012
"The Death of the Fringe Suburb" - The New York Times - Nov 2011
"The Death and Life of Great American Cities at 50" - The American Conservative - October 2011
"Mass transit: A tale of two cities" - Atlanta Constitution Journal- May 2011
"26 Clicks To Sustainable Economic Development"
"The Next Real Estate Boom" - Washington Monthly - Nov/Dec 2010
"A Model for Growth: Walkable Urbanism" - Urban Land - Sept/Oct 2010
"Engine of Prosperity" - American Conservative - August 2010
"Live Chat With Christopher Leinberger" - Greater Greater Washington - June 2010
"Here Comes the Neighborhood" - The Atlantic - June 2010
"Capital Ideas: Christopher Leinberger" - December 2009
"Car-Free in America?, Bottom Line: It’s Cheaper" - New York Times - May 2009
"Spring Forward—or Fall Back" - Urban Land Magazine - May 2009
"Place Management for the 21st Century" - January 2009
"Whither Suburbia" - Architect Magazine - December 2008
"Sprawl to Meet its Limit in Atlanta" - Atlanta Constitution - November 2008
"Light Rail Will Move Indy Forward" - Indianapolis Star - November 2008
"Guest Commentary: Light Rail Will Move KC Forward" - Kansas City Star - October 2008
"Suburban Walking Blues" - BC Business - July 2008
"Creative Types Will Vote With Their Feet" - Cleveland Plain Dealer - May 2008
"US Needs Vancouver as a Model" - The Tyee - April 2008
"New kind of growth emerging for Charlotte" - Charlotte Observer - March 2008
"Downtown Must Walk The Walk" - Tampa Tribune - March 16, 2008
"Charlotte, walk this way" - Charlotte Observer - March 8, 2008
"The Next Slum?" - The Atlantic - March 2008
"Dallas Should Walk This Way" - Dallas Business Journal - February 2008
"The National Trend of Downtown Revitalization" - Brookings - March 2006
"Walk This Way" - Canada National Post - April 2005
"Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization" - The Brookings Institution - March 2005
"The Shape of Downtown" - Urban Land magazine (ULI) - December, 2004
"Taming Gentrification" - March 2002
"The Beginning of the End of Sprawl" - Urban Land - January 2000
"Financing Progressive Development" - Brookings - May 2001
"The Metropolis Observed" - Urban Land - October 1998
"The Coming Revival of American Downtowns" - Lusk Review - Fall 1997
Standardizing the American Dream" - TR News[Nat'l Aca. of Sciences pub.] December 1996
"Top 10 Ways to Make City's Center Great" - LA Times - July 1996
"The End of Real Estate" - Urban Land magazine - June 1996
"Pulling Together Beats Falling Apart" - Chicago Tribune - September 1994
"Flexecutives: Redefining the American Dream" - Urban Land - August 1994
"Strategy for Real Estate Companies" - ULI. 1993
"Business Flees to the Urban Fringe" - The Nation - July 1992
"Becoming Evergreen; The Full Service Real Estate Company of the 1990s" - Urban Land - July 1991
"How Business is Reshaping America?" - The Atlantic - October 1986
"Urban Villages: The Locational Lessons" - Wall Street Journal - May 1984